Day of Silence
August 9, 2023Day 8 Amiens Assembly
August 12, 2023W.A. Amiens, day 7
At the end of this day we had an exciting addition to our pgrogram. We went to the Son et Lumiere at the Catherdal. The evening was soft and warm, and the show was most colourful.
In the morning we had an empathy walk in 2s (in French, English or Spanish, listening to each others’ experience of the 6 days). The 2s then became 4s by joining another group of 2, distilling the most important points. Then two sets of 4s became an 8 person group… each grooup then distilled five concrete proposals for how God calls us as one global body of CLC.
In the afernoon we gathered together to place our post-it noteson the wall of the auditorium. These were arranged accorind to three main lenses: vocation, identity and mission; and in topics such as youth, discernment, communicaiton, etc. We will continue to distill these in the days ahead.
1 Comment
What an interesting distilling process!
It will be quite a job collating all that inspiration!